the MELLOW ety


​I received this unit as a tour unit from @Zachik . Special thanks to him for making this happened.​​​


Etymotic is one of my favorite brands which easily has a consistent sound quality from what I experienced with them. Especially with the 2 of my ER2SE and 1 ER4SR. This time Etymotic tried branching its capabilities with multi-BA. If you ask me personally, I'm leaning for them to keep the R&D for their ER2 DD into a flagship tier. Enough with rambling, let's try digging on how EVO is doing.


Neutral Dark (it is not that dark, don't get me wrong, I can address it as the mellow Ety)


Apple music lossless through iPod Touch 7th

1. Tanchjim Stargate: Overall balance and relaxing

2. Radsone ES100: Stage is significantly larger with a quirk of anemic sounding and not as dynamic

3. iFi xCan: Overall giving intensity for the overall harmonic (not a fan since it is fatiguing, it's the iFi xCan, not because of the set, I have this experience with anything through the xCan)



The cable is super thin. Almost like three times thinner than ER2 cable. Meanwhile, the chasis, the iem itself, is.. super heavy considering how light are their predecessors. I'm fine with the cable, I like it, it feels like *wireless*. To me the shell weight is a bit too much from my liking.

Sonic presentation

Bass A-

Interesting part that Etymotic chose to have two BAs to carry this region. How does it perform? Decent. The attack especially decay is quite natural to my ears. There is a hint of slower decay that delivers body to the mids. This time, you can enjoy EDM with this but it's not a basshead level. The rumble of the subbass exists and the midbass kicks. It's definitely bassier than ER2SE. Fortunately, this bass level is just enough to bring a body to the overall harmonic. Giving a *soul* to the sound without smearing to the mids. This also helps with the BA timbre. The BA timbre does exist but it's not at the level of "bad timbre". It is one of the good one. I can't recall it to be in the league of IER M9 or 64Audio U12T but it's good.

Mids A+

Here is the interesting part. There is noticeable less in your face here. It sounds more like the casual *audiophile* iem here without shoving it on your face. The thickness of the lower mids does help with the timbre to be natural. It is very relaxing and calm. ER2SE is definitely more "on your face" than the EVO. This one has lush mids and more width than depth. Overall its mids has no weird peaks.

Vocals A

Surprisingly both male and female vocals do have good body and weight to it. It is on the thicker side but never being too much. Perhaps, there is a little BA timbre but over-time you will get use to it pretty quickly as it's not that severe. For example, Frank Sinatra has enough weight on its vocal and IU does sound accurate. I don't classify this to be an euphoric vocal set but more like a safe choice.

Highs B+

This is important part for this set. I've heard a peak somewhere in the treble region when I used the dual flange. I bet it's due to my ear canal and the dual flange design. After switching it to a Shure smallest silicon tips, the peak is gone. Aside of that, the overall treble is not emphasized this time. It is well articulated but darker. The air is significantly less than what I heard from ER2SE. This means, EVO sounds mellow and less *open* than its predecessors. Advantage of this move is having a relax signature to enjoy music longer. Though, the tuning kit exist to change the ohms to your liking.

Imaging & Staging B+

First of all, I think Etymotic addressed the less on your face for the EVO. This makes thing perceived as more width than the previous ER2SE. However, I can hear more height on the ER2SE than the EVO. Separation/Layering is great but not something I would say remarkable, especially when I'm comparing it with Tanchjim layering, Darling. Imaging on EVO is also great. A bit different than the ER2SE as it is not as 2D as ER2. Again, height wise is not that great since the thickness of the mids lead to a middle staging being overly focused than the rest of the spectrum.


IU, Heize, Taeyeon, AKMU, Yerin Baek, Alesso, Martin Garrix, Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion and more.


Etymotic ER2SE: 1 DD

Bass on EVO is greater with a slight BA hint. EDM sounds better on EVO than the ER2SE. ER2SE tends to sound thinner but the DD timbre does make ER2SE sounds more lifelike. The mids are richer on the EVO but a bit less separation than the ER2SE. Highs are noticeably less airy than the ER2SE. EVO wins the overall resolution even with a relax tuning but sounds a little closed than the ER2SE which perceives more air.

Tanchjim Darling: 1DD 2BA (CP145 Depth 2)

Overall harmonic is cleaner on the Darling than the EVO. Bass on the Darling has texture of the DD and a good amount of air. Mids of EVO is perceived thicker most likely due to less pinna gain. Highs are noticeably higher extended on the Darling than the EVO but EVO carries the details as well. Darling outclassed both layering and imaging of the EVO but EVO is no slouch either.


Etymotic's attempt on a multi BA is successful but with a different sauce to it. There is no more analytical sounding or a tool like their tuning in their previous model. Though, many people likes them too. This approach will cater another part of people who wants Ety to be a relax set. The company answers it pretty good with a little quirk here and there. The tuning kit comes in handy if you think you need more treble or even mellower Ety. (That's gonna be too dark bro?) Different folks, different strokes. If you are finding a mellow Etymotic, I think you have found it here. $500 is a tough market but if you are finding a deep fit IEM with a top notch isolation, look no further.






